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Paradiz Ronado Pride and Prejudice
Youth Titles
born: 20.06.2014
Breeder: Irina Revyakina & Daniele Ciuti
Adult Titles
Youthchampion of Montenegro
Grand Youthchampion of Montenegro
Youthchampion of the Adriatic
Youthchampion of the Balkan
Youthchampion of the Mediterranean
Youthchampion of Croatia
German Youthchampion Club
German VDH Youthchampion
VDH-Europe Youthwinner
Körung, Multi CACIB, Multi BOS, Multi Junior - BOB, Multi BOB, Multi BIS
Patella 0/0, Teeth 6/6, Endurance Exam, Breeding Test
Progeny of Paradiz Ronado Pride and Prejudice
Paradiz Ronado Pride and Prejudice - Agility Video >>>Klick
Paradiz Ronado Pride and Prejudice - die ersten Male Agility >>>Klick
Please click for more Infos.
International Champion
Champion of Montenegro
Grandchampion of Montenegro
Champion of the Adriatic
Champion of the Balkan
Champion of the Mediterranean
Champion of Croatia
Grand Champion of Croatia
Champion of Romania
Cum Laudae Champion of Romania
Champion of Moldova
Grandchampion of Moldova
Super Grandchampion of Moldova
Club Champion of Moldova
Champion of Basarabia
Grandchampion of Basarabia
Champion of Bulgaria
Grand Champion of Bulgaria
Champion of Serbia
Candidate for Champion of Hungary
German Champion Club
German VDH Champion
Baden-Württemberg Sieger
Landessieger Sachsen
Wanderpokalsieger VK OG Leipzig 2015
Landessieger Franken
Landessieger Niedersachsen
Black Sea Winner
Transylvanian Winner
Romanian Club Winner
Best Pug Male of Germany 2015 (VK)
Best Pug Male of Germany 2016 (VK)